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Equine Healing

A Different Approach to Healing

Anne Marie has owned and worked with horses for decades. She has a strong connection and bond with these creatures, she understands them and they trust her. Recently she worked as a horse stable manager for Glover’s Stables. She has been working with Deborah, the owner of this facility for over six years. Glover’s Stables is a beautiful gem tucked away in Spring Hill. The atmosphere is peaceful and calm. Glover’s Stables offers horse boarding, horse training, riding lessons, equine chiropractic and other forms of equine therapy. Anne Marie periodically assists Deborah when needed.


Anne Marie works full time as a healer through her own business, Healing Life Center. The office is located on the property with Glover's Stables.


Anne Marie offers three forms of equestrian healings in addition to her other forms of healing; healing yourself through equestrian healing, healing your horse through equine healing, and healings between rider and horse


Healing yourself through equestrian healings is a new tool that many therapists have begun recommending to their clients. People are beginning to see how horses can help us heal. Horses are majestic creatures that can feel our need for love and healing and are oftentimes willing to participate in the process. 


This form of healing typically begins with the client grooming the horse, sometimes the client will get comfortable enough to ride with Anne Marie leading. Working with horses in this manner is not only therapeutic but fun. The connection that is formed between client and horse is amazing. This form of healing has been proven successful in helping people deal with anxiety, and other clinical issues. 


If you are currently under a therapist or doctor's care, ask if this form of therapy is suitable to your therapeutic needs. 


Equestrian healings are a helpful tool to use in conjunction with other forms of therapy for your horse. Energy healings can do wonders on these beautiful creatures. Having much success in this field, Anne Marie uses her intuition to find the root causes for the issues in your horses and will help clear them on an energetic level. 


Horses experience the same fears, and emotional traumas that humans face, and like humans they need help in overcoming these fears. Horses love the healing energy, and are generally very open to this form of healing. 


Healings for both rider and horse include a session together. This can be helpful for people at all levels in their riding journey. In some cases, there have been people riding horses for years that encounter a situation that traumatizes them. This can block them from getting back on their horse and riding. Horses are incredibly sensitive and intelligent; they will pick up on these fears. This can make them nervous and difficult to work with. Energetic healings by Anne Marie can help clear the fear in both you and your horse, and help build a better, stronger connection. 


Sessions are currently done onsite at Glover’s Stables. Occasional travel can be discussed on a case by case basis.

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